Working with Bigfoot

Contrary to popular belief, not only is Bigfoot very real, but also an incredibly gentle and loving group of energies.

I have had a Bigfoot guide for years but got to know them on a much deeper level when the elders began working with me in the summer of 2020 when I learned that a fragment of my soul is incarnated as a Bigfoot in another dimension.

This group of beings are very connected to and interested in earth energies and are actively working to improve our collective conditions here on earth. So I find that many of us who are drawn to doing work with the earth also often encounter Bigfoot energy. If you want to learn more about who they are, where they live, and experience their energy for yourself, this workshop is for you. It includes an audio lesson on Working with Bigfoot and a guided healing with a Bigfoot Elder.


  • Getting to know The Ancient Ones

  • Guided healing session with a Bigfoot Elder